This list shows all the people quoted in the 1919 edition, and the chapter or part of the book in which the quotes are found. Some are printed at the end of chapters while others are in the main body of the text. The first British Empire edition, printed in 1933 by The Master Key Publishing Company, is called The Master Key with no mention of the word "system". Some modern editions also include 4 additional chapters which come from chapters 11-14 of another book Haanel wrote called A book about you. Modern editions mostly do not include the three-part introduction, the psychological chart, the question-and-answers section at the end of the book, or the glossary. Terry Crews has described The Master Key System as his favorite book among hundreds of personal development books, saying that it showed him "how to visualize, contemplate, and focus on what I really wanted" and that he rereads it "probably once a month to keep my vision clear". It is claimed on the website that Charles Haanel received a letter in 1919 from Napoleon Hill, who later went on to write one of the best-selling books of all time, Think and Grow Rich, saying that his own success was due to the principles laid down in The Master Key System. Wattles, The Master Key System inspired much of the content of Rhonda Byrne's film The Secret (2006), which was later followed by a book of the same name. Influence Īlong with The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. The ideas behind the book mainly come from New Thought philosophy, but there are influences from other sources such as Hinduism, Masonism and Rosicrucian teachings, Theosophy, and the Bible. Realising that this is a wonderful world.

Contemplating the fact that man is a spirit with a body.Concentration on a Tennyson quote: "Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and spirit with spirit can meet, Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.".Focusing on "In Him we live and move and have our being".Focusing on your power to create – create a logical basis for your faith.Contemplating that happiness and harmony are states of consciousness.